Friday, August 3, 2012

Sujit Sukumaran - DIScoverable ABILITY

"Every person who is created differently is blessed with a kiss from God in the way of individuality." --Sujit Sukumaran, TEDx Al Ain 2012

"The next time you see someone with disability, please don't look.  Go down to that person and encourage him for you don't know how much it means to him to be accepted.  We don't need sympathy; we don't need empathy.  We just need to be a part of you on the same side of the table."

Sujit Sukumaran is an accomplished HR professional who has suffered CP Dipligia.  At TEDxAlAin 2012 he shared his wonderful journey with the audience.

Here is what a former competitor has to say about Sujit:

 "A good speaker, gifted debater & Grand Champion of Extempore Speeches in the Middle East.  I have always looked at this young man with awe, amazement and admiration for all that he has accomplished at such a young age.  I know this first hand as I have been handed down a humbling defeat many times in the battle of competition.  And thanks to him I have learnt much.  Seeing him on TEDx is truly a great pleasure and I am sure he will inspire many through his message."

Alhamdulillah, I was lucky having witnessed this special man's nineteen minutes of inspirational and life-changing talk.

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